
KnC 10/2014, Anton Grima
Salvatore, Julio and Antonio were three brothers, orphans from a small age, who lived in Cremona, Italy. Salvatore had a beautiful voice and sang very well while Julio played the violin. Although Antonio loved music...
KnC 9/2014, Anton Grima
A teacher was angry because all of his pupils were distracted. They were looking out of the window onto the garden. When he looked outside he saw a boy who pleaded him to let him follow the lesson from outside as his...
KnC 7/2014, Karolina Pluta
– I’m really surprised. Do you remember that quiet girl who was in our class for a few days and then was transferred to another class? It turned out that she’s one of the most active members of scouting. – Well, I...
KnC 6/2014, Karolina Pluta
 Hi Mark, what do you keep in hand, what are you doing? – This is an SSD drive which I’ll put in a moment in a case of the computer. I have already installed other necessary components like mainboard, graphic card...
KnC 5/2014, Karolina Pluta
- Hi Mark, are you coming today with us to play football after school? - No, I have to revise physics today. I take part in a contest and the finals take place next week. My goal is to be in the dozen of the best...
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