Autor: Karolina Pluta
Parents are proud of their children. People can be proud of their country, their achievements, famous compatriots. Sometimes pride makes them big-headed. It is thought that artists are especially prone to experience it, but don’t take this stereotype too seriously because you can meet big-headed celebrities as well as modest ones.
Mischa Elman was a world-famous American violinist. It was well-known that he liked talking about himself and his successes. During a conversation with an English dignitary Elman realized with horror that he had been talking about his American successes for half an hour not letting the companion say a word. He stopped the story and told:
- Well, that’s enough talking about me. How are you, Sir? Have you been at my last concert in London?
Marlena Dietrich, a famous American actress, was asked if she was not tired by the autograph hunters.
– It’s almost killing me. But there is only one thing worse for me in the world: if nobody wanted my autograph anymore.
French comedian actor Fernandel entered once a restaurant in Nicea. The owner showed him the table and explained:
– You would feel wonderful sitting at this table: with the view at the sea and close to our great orchestra.
– Thank you very much.
– And now I’m going to announce your presence here.
– No, that’s not necessary – protested faintly the artist.
– Let me do it at once, Sir.
And the owner said loudly to the waiter:
– White table-cloth for the table No. 12.
Alexander Dumas, father, built in 1848 a palace in Port-Marly near Paris, where he used to rest and invite guests from Paris. In one of the halls there was a collection of monuments of great writers. While admiring this exhibition, somebody asked Dumas: “Why aren’t you there?”
The writer responded: “Because I am here”.
Karolina Pluta
Konsultacja językowa: Ryszard Piękoś
Compatriot – rodak
Prone – podatny
Big-headed – zarozumiały
Modest – skromny
Dignitary – dygnitarz
Horror – tu: przerażenie
Faintly – nieśmiało, słabo
At once – natychmiast
Autograph hunter – łowca autografów