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KnC 11/2010



Do we still remember?

Autor: Michał Gramacki
11th of November is celebrated by Polish people as one of the most special days during the year. Waving flags, street parades and national ceremonies testify of the importance and attachment of the Polish society to that day, the Independence Day.

Most of the countries in the world celebrate their own national day, which has been  established by government to commemorate the anniversary of regaining independence. That is really an important date for all nation, because it reminds us how difficult it was to regain freedom, how hard was the time under the occupation, how brave was the people struggling for right and how important is the awareness of today’s people as far as the independence is concerned. 

Polish Independence Day is celebrated on 11th of November – the day when Poland became liberated from the enemies – Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary. Our history indicates that in 1918, after 123 years of occupation, our nation regained its freedom. In few years we will celebrate the centenary of that day. Will we still remember how important was it and still is for us today?
We should obviously pay tribute to all those who put much effort to reborn our country. We should also educate ourselves in history in order to raise the national awareness and reinforce our patriotism. Poland is perceptible not just because of its geographic location on the Google Map or GPS, but probably still more, because of our heroic achievements which are the best evidence of  our patriotism.
Michał Gramacki
Kosultacja językowa: Ryszard Piękoś
·                    Attachment – przywiązanie
·                    Independence Day – Dzień Niepodległości
·                    To commemorate the anniversary – uczcić rocznicę
·                    Regaining independence – odzyskanie niepodległości
·                    Become liberated – zostać wyswobodzony
·                    Indicate – wskazywać
·                    Regain freedom – odzyskać wolność
·                    Centenary – setna rocznica
·                    Pay tribute – oddać hołd
·                    Reinforce patriotism – wzmocnić patriotyzm
·                    Evidence of patriotism – dowód patriotyzmu


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